
PHP job queue for asynchronous tasks within the Phalcon Framework.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


PHP job queue for asynchronous tasks within the Phalcon Framework.


Phalcon has support for Beanstalkd, but it requires an broker to run jobs.

This is a different implementation that runs within the same environment. It has support for synchronous mode.

To add a job:

$this->jobQueue->add(new Job("sayHello", [
    "name" => "World"

Below is an example of an executor service:


namespace My\Services;

use Phalcon\Di\Injectable;

use BasilFX\JobQueue\ExecutorInterface;
use BasilFX\JobQueue\Queue;
use BasilFX\JobQueue\Job;

class JobExecutor extends Injectable implements ExecutorInterface
    public function execute(Queue $queue, Job $job, $update)

        $action = $job->getAction();
        $parameters = $job->getParameters();

        if ($action === "sayHello") {
            echo "Hello, {$parameters["name"]}!";




  • PHP 7.2 or later.
  • Phalcon Framework 4.0 or later.


Install this dependency using composer require basilfx/phalcon-jobqueue.


See the LICENSE file (MIT license).