
Vehicle functions by Mike (MP2) brought to GitHub for use in sampctl.

Primary LanguagePawn

Vehicle functions by Mike (MP2) http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=339088


  • Random vehicle colors (-1 in CreateVehicle) are synced between players
  • GetVehicleInterior function
  • GetVehicleColor function
  • ChangeVehicleColor works with -1 (random) colors
  • Siren automatically added to Ladder Firetruck

CHANGELOG: 1.2 (05/05/2015)

  • Updated for 0.3.7 (added siren parameter for CreateVehicle and AddStaticVehicleEx
  • Removed 'interior' parameter from CreateVehicle/AddStaticVehicleEx to keep in line with SA-MP's functions. Use LinkVehicleToInterior or SetVehicleInterior instead.
  • Commented out some unfinished code. May get around to finishing it.
  • AddStaticVehicle and AddStaticVehicleEx no longer re-direct to CreateVehicle. They use their own respective functions
  • Using y_hooks again...
  • Added GetVehicleSeatCount and GetVehicleModelSeatCount

1.1.3 (10th of February 2013):

  • Fixed a bug that caused OnVehicleSpawn to not be called. Caused by another array index out of bounds issue due to me not checking whether a vehicle colour was set to -1 (-1 is an invalid array index).

1.1.2 (7th of February 2013):

  • y_hooks no longer used (proper plug-n-play)
  • Hooked 'OnVehicleRespray' (reported missing by 'im'

1.1.1 (22nd of January 2013):

  • Fixed out of bounds array index issue with vehicle ID 2000.

1.1 (4th of May 2012):

  • Removing a paintjob now restores the vehicle's color (fixes SA:MP bug where vehicle became white)
  • Added 'GetVehiclePaintjob' function
  • Added RemoveVehiclePaintjob (simple macro ('redirect') to ChangeVehiclePaintjob)

1.0 (2nd of May 2012):

  • Initial Release

NOTE: This include relies on YSI's y_hooks, which can be found here: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=570884