Races Count Down

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Built as tool to make my life a bit easier in a previous career. It became a little annoying trying to check when the next thoroughbred race was starting especially when working in an area with low cellular reception. I instead built an app that let me look at the upcoming meetings and then save one to then see a count down to each single race.


  • Meeting browser to see all upcoming meetings for a week
  • Pick which state to view meetings for with a picker
  • View a meeting in detail and save it locally for tracking
  • View a list of the saved races and a count down timer to when they start


  1. Clone/download the repo and open up the Xcode project.
  2. In the project navigator, select the RacesListCountDown project in the project navigator
  3. Go to the Signing & Capabilities tab and change the team for each target to your own
  4. Finally run the RacesListCountDown target and build to a Simulator or a physical device


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