
Shopify's Backend Coding Challenge - Summer 2021 :dizzy:

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Shopify Challenge for the Backend Developer Position (2020)

Candidate: Clara Chick

Deployed at:


Dependencies and Technologies:

  • node (v15.4.0)

  • npm (v7.0.15)

  • MongoDB

note: the .env is intentionally kept on the repo. for the sake of this challenge

Install before use: npm i mongoose mongoose-gridfs gridfs-stream multer express node dotenv cors

The Task: build an image repository.


Because this was an open ended task, I decided to get started on an idea I've had for a while: Remémorer.

The goal of this project is to create a full-stack app to allow users to upload happy memories and accomplishments and reminisce whenever they are feeling a bit down or just a bit lost.

Since this is a backend position, I will only be showcasing the backend for this project.

The two ideas I chose were:

ADD and DELETE image(s).


All successful returns will have status of 200. Else status would be 400 with various error messages.

Use with Insomnia or Postman.

test credentials you can use:

username: clara
password: password

note: these credentials are publicly accessible, thus the data from this account are not being accounted for.

another note: endoints run locally are on http://localhost:5000


  1. account management

    a. creating an account


POST https://clara-chick-shopify-challenge.herokuapp.com/api/user/signup/

JSON Body:

    "username": "some unique username",
    "password": "some password"

Returns: user._id which should be used for all further requests

(to prevent a user from deleting images from another user)

​ b. logging into an existing account


POST https://clara-chick-shopify-challenge.herokuapp.com/api/user/login/

JSON Body:

    "username": "some username",
    "password": "some password"

Returns: user._id which should be used for all further requests

(to prevent a user from deleting images from another user)

  1. upload some files


POST https://clara-chick-shopify-challenge.herokuapp.com/api/user/files/upload/

Form Data:

"_id": "_id you get from logging in or signing up"
"files": ["array of files"]
"desc": "description of the images"

Returns: user.imgs which is an array of image id's

Sample Return:


  1. get some random image _id to reminisce about


GET https://clara-chick-shopify-challenge.herokuapp.com/api/user/files/reminisce

JSON Body:

    "_id": "_id you get from logging in or signing up"


    "image": "image id which is used to get the image",
    "desc": "description of the image"

Sample Return:

  "image": "5ff3e91719755e12309ed50e",
  "desc": "MLH Fellowship acceptance"

  1. get image (if you have access)


GET https://clara-chick-shopify-challenge.herokuapp.com/api/user/files/get/:imgId
  • imgId: image _id

JSON Body:

    "_id": "_id you get from logging in or signing up"

Returns: the image corresponding to imgId

error: if image wasn't uploaded by _id

  1. delete image (if you have access)


DELETE https://clara-chick-shopify-challenge.herokuapp.com/api/user/files/delete/:imgId
  • imgId: image _id

JSON Body:

    "_id": "_id you get from logging in or signing up"

Returns: the image corresponding to imgId

error: if image wasn't uploaded by _id

  1. delete account, and all files related to it


DELETE https://clara-chick-shopify-challenge.herokuapp.com/api/user/files/delete/account/:id
  • id: _id you get from logging in or signing up

Returns: Success or Failure


Add image(s) to the repository.
  • one / bulk / enormous amount of images

upload.any() - can upload any amount of files at once

  • private or public (permissions)

the user must login/signup before to get their unique _id. This is required to upload/delete files.

  • secure uploading and stored images

For this challenge, I didn't add .env to the .gitignore, but typically the database URI is to be kept secret to ensure security.

The password of the account is salted and hashed, so it's not stored in DB in plain text.

DELETE image(s)
  • one / bulk / selected / all images

When a user decides to delete their account, all of their images are deleted too.

You can delete individual files for an account.

  • Prevent a user deleting images from another user (access control)

  • secure deletion of images

I trust Mongo ❤️ to securely delete the files permanently