Contact: IN THIS Repo YOU WILL FIND: -HighDimCovarPDF: pdf report of main literature around High DImensional Covariance Estimation. -Presentation High DIm Covar: pptx presentation of main points of the report. -file with R code and documentation to compute 4 covariance matrix estimators and experiments to compare them and check for some properties. -file with latex code and figures for the pdf. SOME COMMENTS: -the code for the soft thresholding covariance estimator was corrected to include the threshold "t" in the computation. -So there is a need to rerun the experiements of section 4 of the report pdf Note for improvements: -finish the documentation of the R code -generalize R code to other multivariate distributions other than MVN -make the link between thresholding and sparsity more explicit in the report (maybe include the figure of the thresholding estimator computed for data from N(0,I) of the pptx presentation ) -give an example of sample covariance matrix for which the thresholding estimators is not Positive Deinite -perform real data analysis
A small library to study some Covariance Matrix Estimators in R. Designed in 2019 as part of my Bachelor's Degree thesis.