DECIMER Image Transformer is a deep-learning-based tool designed for automated recognition of chemical structure images. Leveraging transformer architectures, the model converts chemical images into SMILES strings, enabling the digitization of chemical data from scanned documents, literature, and patents.
- kaylezhangzhaoLin
- housyunn-ishiNew Federal State
- fatihmertAbsence
- OrbitaliantHalifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
- CoryKornowicz
- ethancohen123
- shkaoTaipei, Taiwan
- behroozazarkhalili
- bobblue
- KohulanJena,Germany
- bolak92Belgium
- allbegraySeoul / Korea, Republic of
- prcurranCambridge
- vsinha027Amsterdam
- cgrambow
- phv2312What is Location?
- ranchenhao
- yukisoya
- zmahnoor14Jena, Germany
- iMicknlAmsterdam, Netherlands
- jingruchenmax
- wccss1500
- aarontj73Ohio
- ratthachat
- iuhgnor
- zhangch315
- tagirshinStrasbourg
- Sakura4036Earth
- hgbrian
- marcosfeltNY Area
- homfenHangzhou, China
- Dylan220
- dustlrdkSeoul
- tonychemRussia, Moscow
- sentinel8bUlsan, Korea
- apeterswuChina Shanghai