Tokenizer POS-tagger Lemmatizer and Dependency-parser for modern and contemporary Japanese
- borhOsaka University
- christian-phuViet Nam
- ensan-hcl@turingmotors
- fanyingfxChina
- grekichiJapan
- gryn010
- hamata
- hanamizuno
- hepochenHangzhou, China
- heyoma
- hideaki-tCanada
- hnishiACCESS CO.,LTD.
- jerrybonnellCoral Gables, FL
- k4simaJapan
- micheleno13
- MiguelAmaroMiami
- morioka
- omitanctokyo
- PythonNutUniversity of Washington
- RicBentGermany
- shigashiyamaSeika-cho, Kyoto, Japan
- soichirootaFreelance
- taipalogy
- takagi97Northeast University
- togisoToyko
- vincentmichael089Yaraku, Inc.
- xains07
- yglory
- yuisekiYuiseki Inc.
- Yun-LeeNational Taiwan University
- ZHANG-YupeiTokyo
- ZUIcat