
Jenkins integration for Hubot with multiple server support

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Hubot Jenkins Enhanced Plugin

Jenkins integration for Hubot with multiple server support with the use of access tokens instead of password authentication.


Auth should be in the "user:access-token" format.
You can find your access token at $JENKINS_URL/me/configure



  • hubot jenkins aliases - lists all saved job name aliases **
  • hubot jenkins b <jobNumber> - builds the job specified by jobNumber. List jobs to get number.
  • hubot jenkins b <jobNumber>&<params> - builds the job specified by jobNumber with parameters as key=value&key2=value2. List jobs to get number.
  • hubot jenkins build <job|alias|job folder/job> - builds the specified Jenkins job
  • hubot jenkins build <job|alias|job folder/job>&<params> - builds the specified Jenkins job with parameters as key=value&key2=value2
  • hubot jenkins d <jobNumber> - Describes the job specified by jobNumber. List jobs to get number.
  • hubot jenkins describe <job|alias|job folder/job> - Describes the specified Jenkins job
  • hubot jenkins getAlias <name> - Retrieve value of job name alias **
  • hubot jenkins l <jobNumber> - Details about the last build for the job specified by jobNumber. List jobs to get number.
  • hubot jenkins last <job|alias|job folder/job> - Details about the last build for the specified Jenkins job
  • hubot jenkins list <filter> - lists Jenkins jobs grouped by server
  • hubot jenkins servers - Lists known jenkins servers
  • hubot jenkins setAlias <name>, <value> - creates job name alias **
  • hubot jenkins remAlias <name> - removes job name alias **


  • Job Folder/Job can be either the absolute path to the job or the folder containing the job.
    For example, hubot jenkins describe The Path/To/My/Job/The Job To Run or hubot jenkins describe Job/The Job To Run

Persistence **

Note: Various features will work best if the Hubot brain is configured to be persisted. By default the brain is an in-memory key/value store, but it can easily be configured to be persisted with Redis so data isn't lost when the process is restarted.

@See Hubot Scripting for more details