This program consists of javascript, html, and img files. This program check validation of login ID. If the E-mail(username) or pawword is invalid, then show the error messages in red. If the E-mail and password are valid, then browser shows "Login Successful" in an alert box.
- Downloads each file into one file.
1. public/index.html
2. src/index.js
3. src/App.js
4. src/index.css - Put index.js, App.js, index.css files in src directory.
- Open shell and type npm install formik --save.
- Type npm install and npm start.
- Drag and drop index.html on the browser.
If successfully installed and run on the Web browser, the textboxes show the left corner of the browser.
If any question, message me via my twitter.
The update is not expected.
The most of the program is coded and contrubuted by MIT. If you use the part of this code in your program and show it to public, please include the name of MIT.