
Welcome to my repository! Here, you will find a five-question coding quiz with four multiple-choice answers that will subtract time for incorrect answers and store users' scores for comparison.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Objective: To create a five-question coding quiz with four multiple-choice answers that will subtract time for incorrect answers and store users' scores for comparison.

Description: The goal for the application is that once the user clicks "Start Game" that a timer will begin counting down to zero. For each question answered incorrectly from the five questions listed, time will be subtracted. Once the user gets to the end of the quiz, they will be able to enter their name alongside their score and can restart the game. After completing the game, they will be able to compare their scores to see how they have progressed.

Instructions to run the application: Click the deployed link below to view the coding quiz and answer the five timed questions to the best of your knowledge. Once completed, you will see your final score. Then you can retake the quiz and view your high scores.

Fonts used: Poppins, Roboto, Gilda Display

Languages used: HTML, CSS, Javascript


1)Coding Quiz Tutorial: Referenced Brian Design's Coding Quiz video tutorial for help with my quiz functionality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4fB9Xg2JEY&t=2877s

2)Javascript Quiz Content:

https://www.tutorialspoint.com/javascript/javascript_online_quiz.htm https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/javascript-quiz-set-1/


Taken from Google Fonts

4)Checked with AskBCS for errors received while syncing js and HTML files.

5)Checked Stackoverflow to troubleshoot countdown timer: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58964755/subtract-time-from-timer-if-answer-is-wrong-creating-a-quiz-javascript

Deployed link: https://kokhobyohannes.github.io/CodeQuiz/

Repository link: https://github.com/KokhobYohannes/CodeQuiz

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