
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Class notes re: project:

  1. Two types of users database: use Mongo.

  2. Use DBpopulate to display nail tech information.

  3. First for nail techs to create their profile and the second database for users to leave review.

  4. Cloudinary to display pictures.

  5. Dropdown menu for users to select their type of profile type: nail tech or users.

  6. Section to display comments and users can see previous comments listed for that nail tech.

  7. Use Materialize to display stars.

  8. State which locations specfically to display.

Determine what information to store: To have ready by Tuesday.

Users & Nail Techs Info: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17Kq7NqgrKN76w4bpFXmCIm7qnBFL1xtFl53W-cmbUJE/edit?usp=sharing


An application created for users to leave reviews for nail techinicans within the DMV, specifically in the Tysons Corner area. Here, users log into their account and find their nail tech to leave a review based on their service. They can also rate their nail techs on a scale of 1 to 5 stars and view previous reviews and associated photos.


Reviews Featured

User Story:

Acceptance criteria:

Data Flow Chart:

Demo: TBD

Presentation: TBD

Task Delegation:

Duc - Danielle - Kokhob - Maryam - Kyle-
