
Dumps protos from Genshin Impact assemblies

Primary LanguageC#


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This program dumps Protocol Buffer definitions from Genshin Impact's dumped assemblies, they are used for own made servers or packet analyzing.

It requires unobfuscated assemblies as I still didn't implement obfuscated assembly support.


Build it using Visual Studio 2022
Open the .exe file and choose the assembly with proto definitions (Assembly-CSharp.dll), alternatively use command line

Command Line Reference

Usage: ProtoDumper [parameters]
Possible parameters:
        --help, -h - Optional. Show this help
        --dont-delete-old-protos - Optional. Stop the program from deleting old protos
        --assembly-path= - Optional. Path to the assembly that contains protos
        --output-path= - Optional. Output path
        --export-type= - Optional. Export type, can be typescript or proto
        --export-file-extension= - Optional. File extension used in the exported files


Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower: Command line parameters and help is based on it, thanks knah
Mono.Cecil: Used to read the assembly