
A simple GraphQL API developed with FastAPI, GraphQL, SQLAlchemy, Alembic, Graphene, PostgreSQL, Uvicorn and Docker.

Primary LanguagePython


A simple GraphQL API developed with FastAPI, GraphQL, SQLAlchemy, Alembic, Graphene, PostgreSQL, Uvicorn and Docker. We build an API that will allow posting, mutations and queries. SQLAlchemy + Alembic is used to manage migrations, PostgreSQL + PGAdmin all wrapped deployed in Docker/Docker-Compose.

Install steps:

  1. Python 3.9 virtual env
  2. 'docker-compose run app alembic revision --autogenerate -m "New Migration"'
  3. "docker-compose up" with docker-desktop running


GraphQL Queries:

  • allPosts
  • postById(postId:Int)

GraphQL Mutations:

  • createNewPost(title:"new title1", content:"new content")