
LMGT MEMS/NEMS component library

Primary LanguageVHDLMIT LicenseMIT



LMGT/MMT MEMS/NEMS component library in VHDL-AMS

component VHDL-AMS / hAMSter Simulink TestBench description
Amperes_force_actuator in progress
BAW_resonator - s2p file
Spiegel spiegel.vhd analytical model of micromirror
afm_tip in progress
clamped_beam cbeam.vhd hAMSter generated by ANSYS ROM Tool
cylindrical_conductor_with_skin_effect cyl_cond.vhd in progress
electrostatically_actuated_membrane ememb_160.vhd hAMSter generated by ANSYS ROM Tool
magnetometer in progress
microelectromechanical_transducer transducer.vhd SystemVision analytical model
miscellaneous* resistor, inductor, capacitor
miscellaneous* Hall_sensor.vhd SystemVision analytical model: HS-420 Hall sensor
quartz quartz.vhd SystemVision equivalent RLC circuit (BDV), 2nd ODE, H(s)
resonator in progress
stopper in progress
tensoresistor tensoresitor.vhd analytical model of Me-tensoresistor
uniaxial_accelerometer accelZa_02.vhd hAMSter SystemVision generated by ANSYS ROM Tool
tpu_accelerometer in progress
vibration_gyroscope in progress
vibration_sensor in progress


  • resistor.vhd
  • inductor.vhd
  • capacitor.vhd
  • v_dc.vhd
  • vsrc_gaussian_pulse.vhd
  • f_pulse.vhd

Originally the VHDL-AMS models were compiled with hAMSter simulator. The models generated by ANSYS ROM Tool are not compatible with SystemVision.


General layout of the ROM models for MEMS


  • Guidelines for the Development of a VHDL-AMS Model Library. Version 2.0