various open source and reverse engineering MEMS layouts
- claped-clamped beam microresonator in BDRIE, see documentation here
RR-gyro |
LL-gyro |
commercial MEMS processed:
- X-FAB: XMS10 and XMB10
- TUC ZfM:
- AIM (Airgap Insulation of Microstructures)
- SCREAM (Single Crystal Reactive Etching and Metallization)
- BDRIE (Bonding and Deep Reactive Ion Etching), 40-50um thick device layer
- STMicroelectronics: ThELMA (Thick Epitaxial Layer for Microactuators and Accelerometers)
- Tronics/TDK: HARM
- GE: Polaris (5 mask layers with WLP and TSV, 100um thick device layer, 10x10mm area image)