
A Telegram bot that allows you to create your own ChatGPT in Telegram.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Forty-two is a Telegram bot that allows you to create your own ChatGPT in Telegram with OpenAI GPT, Google Gemini and Anthropic Claude models.


  • Easy to use and deploy. You just need to set the Telegram and OpenAI/Gemini/Anthropic API keys and run the bot.
  • Switching between different AI providers with saving the correspondence history.
  • Ask another AI provider for a response to the same question.
  • GPT Vision. You can send images to the bot and ask questions about them.
  • Track your conversation history with GPT.
  • Limit users who can interact with the bot.
  • Log user messages to a file and the console.
  • i18n for system messages. Currently, supports English, Spanish, Catalan and Russian.
  • Fully asynchronous.
  • MIT License.


1. Create a .env file with the following content:

# and / or
# GEMINI_API_KEY=your_gemini_api_key
# ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=your_anthropic_api_key

2. Run the bot

With docker-compose:

docker-compose up -d

Run without Docker:

pip install -r requirements.txt
alembic upgrade head
python main.py


Variable Description Default Value
TELEGRAM_TOKEN Telegram API key. -
GEMINI_API_KEY Google Gemini API key. -
ANTHROPIC_API_KEY Anthropic API key. -
PROVIDER Default provider for users. Users then can change their default provider with /provider command. Please note that API_KEY for selected provider is required. OPENAI
DB_STRING Database connection string. sqlite+aiosqlite:///db.sqlite3
MAX_COMPLETION_TOKENS Maximum tokens for completion. 4096
MAX_TOTAL_TOKENS Maximum tokens for total output. If AI provider uses more than this amount, the bot will summarize user input. 10000
SYSTEM_PROMPT System prompt for GPT. You are a friendly assistant, your name is Rick
OPENAI_MODEL OpenAI model. gpt-4o
ANTHROPIC_MODEL Anthropic model. claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620
GEMINI_MODEL Gemini model. gemini-1.5-flash
ALLOWED_USERS Comma-separated list of Telegram users who can interact with the bot. You can use both Telegram IDs or Usernames. If None, everyone can interact with the bot. Example: durov,238373289 None
LOG_MESSAGES Log user messages to a file and the console. False
HISTORY_EXPIRATION If the last message from a user occurred more than the specified time in minutes, the message history will be reset. 30
LANGUAGE Language for bot system messages. Curretly support en, es, ca, ru. en

Obtaining API keys

In development

  • DALL-E generation.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Made with love in Barcelona