
Error message after running demo

Opened this issue · 2 comments

deism commented

Now demo can load new pre-trained file in Pytorch 1.01 and Window 10 environment, thanks for upgrading!

But there is a error message as: "invalid argument 12: dilation should be greater than zero, but got dilationH: 508814473 dilationW: 0 at c:\a\w\1\s\windows\pytorch\aten\src\thcunn\generic/SpatialDilatedMaxPooling.cu:20"

The error is from:
auto [detections, mrcnn_mask] = model->Detect(molded_images, image_metas); => PredictInference(images, image_metas); => PredictRPN(images, config_->post_nms_rois_inference); => fpn_->forward(images); =>x = c1_->forward(x);

I use demo code as is, it seems model and weights are not matched, any clues?

Sorry, I've tested demo on Linux and everything works in my environment. But I don't have Windows environment to test, it will be nice if you can send a patch to fix this problem.

@deism Could yo make it work on windows?