Minda is a tool for evaluating structural variant (SV) callers that
- standardizes VCF records for compatibility with both germline and somatic SV callers,
- benchmarks against a single VCF input file, or
- benchmarks against an ensemble call set created from multiple VCF input files.
Clone the repository and install the dependencies via conda:
git clone https://github.com:KolmogorovLab/minda
cd minda
conda env create --name minda --file environment.yml
conda activate minda
Benchmarking several vcfs against a truth set vcf:
./minda.py truthset --base truthset.vcf --vcfs caller_1.vcf caller_2.vcf caller_3.vcf --out_dir minda_out
Creating an ensemble from several vcfs and benchmarking against ensemble calls:
./minda.py ensemble --vcfs caller_1.vcf caller_2.vcf caller_3.vcf --out_dir minda_out
--out_dir path to out directory
--base path of base VCF
--tsv | --vcfs tsv file path
vcf file path(s)
--out_dir path to out directory
--tsv | --vcfs tsv file path
vcf file path(s)
--min_support | minimumn number of callers required to support an ensemble call
--conditions -OR-
specific conditions to support a call
--bed path to bed file for filtering records with BedTool intersect
--filter filter records by FILTER column; default="['PASS']"
--min_size filter records by SVLEN in INFO column
--tolerance maximum allowable bp distance between base and caller breakpoint; default=500
--sample_name name of sample
--vaf filter out records below a given VAF treshold
--multimatch allow more than one record from the same caller VCF to match a single truthset/ensemble record
Minda standardizes input VCFs by decomposing every SV into start and end records. Records are handled in one of two following ways:
- For records having a CHROM:POS pattern in the
field, the#CHROM
fields are considered the start. Minda then searches for the end record matching theALT
field among other records. Alternatively, theMATEID
from theINFO
field may be used to find the end record. If no end record is found, the details from theALT
field are used to create one. - All other records Minda considers start records. The corresponding end records use the start
is calculated by adding the startPOS
with absolute value ofSVLEN
or is extracted from theEND
integer in theINFO
field. Minda has been tested on VCFs produced by
- Severus
- nanomonsv
- Sniffles2
- cuteSV
- manta
- SvABA.
If you encounter issues with these or other VCF files, please let us know.
The --tsv
file has one required column and up three columns. The columns should be as follows:
- VCF paths (required)
- caller name
- prefix
An example of TSV contents:
/path/to/severus_ONT.vcf Severus ONT
/path/to/severus_PB.vcf Severus PB
/path/to/manta.vcf manta ILL
The --conditions
parameter enables specific user-defined conditions to be met for each ensemble call. Input a list in double quotation marks that contains:
- a (nested) list of caller names, each name in single quotation marks with prefixes, if necessary
- an operator in single quoation marks
- a number
For example, from the TSV contents above, to require that an ensemble call be one for which both ONT and PB agree, when using --tsv
input, specify:
"[['ONT_Severus', 'PB_Severus'], '>=', 2]"
OR when using --vcfs
or --tsv
"[[caller_names[:2], '>=', 2]"
To combine multiple conditions, add '&'
or '|'
between each condition.
For example, to require at least one long-read call and one short-read call to agree, specify for --tsv
"[[['ONT_Severus', 'PB_Severus'], '>=', 1], '&', [['ILL_manta'], '==', 1]]"
OR for --vcfs
or --tsv
"[[caller_names[:2], '>=', 1], '&', [caller_names[2:], '==', 1]]"
Note: This requires preprocessing of VCF file. See scripts.
To run Minda with the --vaf
parameter, ensure the VCF files have a VAF
value in the INFO field.
Both truthset
and ensemble
- tp.tsv for each caller
- fp.tsv for each caller
- fn.tsv for each caller
- support.tsv - lists which callers called which truthset/ensemble records
- results.txt - for each caller, lists the overall precision, recall, F1 scores, as well as the number of TP, FN, FP calls overall and by SVTYPE and SVLEN
- removed_records.txt - list of caller IDs of records not evaluated after removing singletons and filtering by FILTER, SVLEN, VAF
also outputs:
- ensemble.vcf
Severus is distributed under a BSD license. See the LICENSE for details.
Ayse Keskus, Asher Bryant, Tanveer Ahmad, Byunggil Yoo, Sergey Aganezov, Anton Goretsky, Ataberk Donmez, Lisa A. Lansdon, Isabel Rodriguez, Jimin Park, Yuelin Liu, Xiwen Cui, Joshua Gardner, Brandy McNulty, Samuel Sacco, Jyoti Shetty, Yongmei Zhao, Bao Tran, Giuseppe Narzisi, Adrienne Helland, Daniel E. Cook, Andrew Carroll, Pi-Chuan Chang, Alexey Kolesnikov, Erin K. Molloy, Irina Pushel, Erin Guest, Tomi Pastinen, Kishwar Shafin, Karen H. Miga, Salem Malikic, Chi-Ping Day, Nicolas Robine, Cenk Sahinalp, Michael Dean, Midhat S. Farooqi, Benedict Paten, Mikhail Kolmogorov. "Severus: accurate detection and characterization of somatic structural variation in tumor genomes using long reads." medRxiv 2024, https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.22.24304756.
Minda is being developed in the Kolmogorov Lab at the National Cancer Institute.
Key contributors:
- Asher Bryant
- Ayse Keskus
- Mikhail Kolmogorov
If you experience any problems or would like to make a suggestion, please submit an issue. To contact the developer directly, email asher.bryant@nih.gov.