
This is a Django app that implements a tree menu with the following features:

  • The menu is implemented through a template tag.
  • All items above the selected item are expanded. The first level of nesting below the selected item is also expanded.
  • The menu is stored in a database.
  • It can be edited in Django's standard admin panel.
  • The active menu item is determined based on the URL of the current page.
  • There can be multiple menus on a single page, which are identified by name.
  • Clicking on a menu item takes you to the URL specified in it. The URL can be specified explicitly or through a named URL.
  • Rendering each menu requires exactly one database query.

To install this app, you can add 'menu_app' to your INSTALLED_APPS and include its URLs in your project's urls.py file.

This app requires Django and the standard Python library. To install the necessary dependencies, you can run:

pip install -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KolyanLock/UpTrader-MenuApp/main/requirements.txt

To use the menu tag in your templates, you can include the following code:

{% load menu_tags %}

{% draw_menu 'main_menu' %}

You can change the name 'main_menu' to match the name of the menu you want to render.

Author: Nikolay T.
Telegram: @KolyanLock