A simple test automation project done with Java, Selenium and Cucumber.
It uses the popular https://www.phptravels.net/ dummy site for practicing the art of automation testing.
It performs one full E2E test:
Feature: Admin to Front Page integration
Scenario: Editing price of a room in Admin and verifying the edition in front page
Given I load the Admin page
Then I type correct Admin email
And I type correct Admin password and click on Login button
Then I click on sidebar menu Hotels option
Then I click on Rooms from the Hotels option in the side bar menu
Then I click on Triple Rooms type in Rendezvous Hotels hotel
Then I edit the price and click on Submit button
Then I navigate to the Front page
Then I type correct Front Page email
And I type correct Front Page password and click on Login button
Then I click on Home link
Then I click on a Rendezvous Hotels from the Feature Hotels section
Then I assert the price for triple rooms
Then I close the browser