
This repository contains a web application and a Chrome extension. This project was developed for Amazon Hackon Season 4 by our team to Infinity and Beyond. To konw about the features and usage of complete project - click here


clone this repository

  • git clone

  • open in any text editor

  • cd amazon_assist

1. Web application

a. backend

  1. cd backend

  2. create a virtual environment

  • python -m venv env

for linux / MacOS

  • source env/bin/activate for windows

  • .\env\Scripts\activate

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. make a .env file in /backend

Database Configuration

This project utilizes a PostgreSQL database. Below are the necessary credentials and configuration details provided by Render:

  • Database Host: dbhost
  • Database Username: dbusername
  • Database Password: dbpassword
  • Database Name: dbname

AWS Configuration

The project also requires AWS credentials for accessing various AWS services. Below are the necessary details provided by the AWS website:

  • AWS Access Key: your_aws_access_key
  • AWS Secret Key: your_aws_secret_key
  • S3 Bucket Name: your_bucket_name
  • Region: your_aws_region

Google Cloud Configuration

The project also requires Google Cloud credentials for accessing Google Cloud services. Below are the necessary details provided by the Google Cloud Console:

  • Google Cloud Client ID: your_google_cloud_client_id

  • Google Cloud Client Secret: your_google_cloud_client_secret

  • add all these keys into .env file.

  1. uvicorn main:app --reload

b. frontend

  • cd frontend
  • npm install
  • npm start

2. Chrome extension

  1. Open Chrome and navigate to the Extensions page.
  2. Toggle the "Developer mode" switch in the top-right corner of the Extensions page.
  3. Click the "Load unpacked" button and select the directory containing the cloned repository.

Thank You !!!

Home page


Text Search

Text Search

Image Search

Image Search

Video Search

Video Search

webpage text search

Webpage text search

Youtube video search

Youtube video search