Pahom's shell, some segflts and amazing useless readline.
Minishell Part
[✓] Prompt display
[✓] Run commands with their parameters and PATH monitoring
[✓] Error monitoring, without using errno, and return values of commands
[✓] Correct spaces and tabulations monitoring
21sh Part
[✓] Full edition of command line
[✓] Redirection and aggregation operators: >, >>, <<, <<, >&, <&, |, ;
42sh Part
[✓] cd
[✓] echo
[✓] exit
[✓] type
[✓] env
[✓] setenv
[✓] unsetenv
[✓] set
[✓] unset
[✓] &&, ||
[✓] Intern variable creation depending on syntax: name=value
[✓] Intern variable exportation to the environment, via built-in export
[✓] Possibility to list shell intern variables via built-in set (-n, -o options)
[✓] Intern and environement variables revocation, via built-in unset (-n, -v, -f options)
[✓] Environment variable creation for unique command, for instance: HOME=/tmp cd
[✓] Simple expansion of parameters depending on syntax ${} (no additionnal format required)
[✓] Exit code access of previously command via the expansion ${?}
[✓] Job control monitoring
[✓] Built-in jobs
[✓] Built-in fg
[✓] Built-in bg
[✓] &
[✓] Correct monitoring of signals
[✓] Each built-in must have enounced options by POSIX, except set / unset
[−] Inhibitors ” ’
[✓] Glob: * ? [] !
[✓] ~
[✓] ${parameter:-word}
[✓] ${parameter:=word}
[✓] ${parameter:?word}
[✓] ${parameter:+word}
[✓] ${#parameter}
[✓] ${parameter%}
[−] ${parameter%%}
[✓] ${parameter#}
[−] ${parameter##}
[✓] $[5 + 3 arithm]
[✓] $((5 + 3 arithm))
[✓] Control groups and sub-shells: (), {}
[✓] Control substitution: $()
[−] Arithmetic expansion: (())
[✓] Process substitution: <(), >()
[✓] !!
[✓] !word
[✓] !number
[✓] !-number
[✓] File for history
[✓] Built-in fc
[✓] Search via Ctrl-R
[✓] Contextual autocomplete
[✓] Vi / Emacs mods
[✓] Alias management with built-ins alias / unalias
[✓] Hash table and built-in hash
[✓] Built-in test and operations: -b, -c, -d, -e, -f, -g, -L, -p, -r, -S, -s, -u, -w, -x, -z, =, !=, -eq, -ne, -ge, -lt, -le, !
[−] Shell scripting (while, for, if, case, function, etc.)
[✓] Autocompletion for order/built-in parameters
[✓] Compliant with POSIX
1) Division by zero
Butch code:
1) alias glog="git log --pretty=oneline --pretty=format:'%H - %an, %ar: %s' --graph"