
A mocha reporter which produces TAP output. Forked from original repository to ensure compatibility.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mocha Tap Reporter

This reporter generates a TAP formatted report. It was forked from its original author to ensure compatibility with Komodo IDE as well as to add suites to the output.


npm install mocha-ko-tap-reporter
mocha --reporter mocha-ko-tap-reporter

Example Output

$ mocha --reporter mocha-ko-tap-reporter
ok 1  should work
Mocha .............................................
ok 1 Mocha should not output colors to pipe
"grep" option .....................................
ok 1 Mocha "grep" option should add a RegExp to the mocha.options object
ok 2 Mocha "grep" option should convert string to a RegExp
"fgrep" option ....................................
ok 1 Mocha "fgrep" option should escape and convert string to a RegExp
# tests 4
# pass 4
# fail 0
# skip 0