

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Building (NDS)

To build BadApple.nds, you must have devkitPro with libnds installed. Then just go into the NDS directory and run make.

Building (PC)

To build the encoder run these commands in the PC directory:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "MSYS Makefiles"

To run the encoder, you must have ffmpeg installed. Then simply run these commands in the directory where BadAppleEncoder.exe is:

mkdir imgs
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale=256:192 -r 60/1 imgs\%05d.png -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le -ar 48000 audio.raw

Now my program should be generating a video file that you can play on your NDS.

Running (NDS)

If you are running the homebrew through Unlaunch or no$gba, put BadApple.kpv onto the root directory of your SD card. Otherwise put it into the same directory as BadApple.nds. Now just run BadApple.nds in DSi mode with SD card access.


I didn't do all of this myself. I got a lot of help from Gericom, who also made the original version 4 years ago, which this version is heavily inspired by. I sadly wasn't able to get my own LZSS compressor to work, so I had to use CUE's. For loading the images I chose stb_image.h

Known bugs

If the video is too long, the audio will start to desynch. Bad Apple isn't long enough though. It may get fixed in a later release, but currently I don't have the time