
Web server for MSX computers running TCP/IP UNAPI, with support for CGI scripts

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


What is this?

NestorWeb is a web server for MSX computers, with support for CGI scripts. As simple as that.

System requirements are:

  • MSX computer running MSX-DOS 2 or Nextor.
  • TCP/IP UNAPI implementation with support for passive TCP connections.

Features and limitations

The good:

  • Static content: serves files stored in the local filesystem.
    • GET and HEAD verbs supported.
    • Sends Last-Modified header as part of the response and honors the If-Modified-Since header if present in the request (provided that the file has a valid last modification date).
    • Sends files as attachments (with a Content-Disposition: attachment header) if ?a=1 is added to the request.
    • Requests containing .. are rejected for security (so that files outside of the base directory aren't accessible)
  • Directory listings: when a directory is requested is sends a list of the contained files .
    • Disabled by default, must be enabled via command line.
    • Sent with a Cache-Control header specifying a cache duration of 1 hour.
    • If a request for a directory doesn't end with / it sends a 308 Moved Permanently response to the same location ending with /, this is necessary so that relative links to files within the directory render correctly in browsers.
  • Default document: serves the INDEX.HTM file if a directory is requested (only if directory listings are disabled).
  • Basic authentication support.
  • Runs CGI scripts following the CGI 1.1 specification. See the CGI development guide for details.

The not-so-good:

  • Serves only one client at the same time.
  • No MIME types for static content, Content-Type is never sent when serving files.
  • Absolutely no support for text encodings. I have no idea of what will happen when requesting a file with a non-ASCII name.
  • Maximum HTTP request line length supported is 256 bytes, longer request lines will be rejected.
  • Maximum header length supported is 256 bytes, longer headers will be truncated.
  • Basic authentication support... but with one single set of credentials. CGI scripts can handle authentication by themselves, though.


Run NWEB.COM like this:

NWEB <base directory> [p=<port>] [v=0|1|2] [t=<timeout>] [d=0|1] [c=0|1] [a=0|1|2]

<base directory>: Static content will be served from this directory, for example a request for <server IP>/FOO/BAR.TXT will serve file <base directory>\FOO\BAR.TXT.

<port>: TCP port number where the server will be listening for requests, default is 80.

t: Inactivity timeout in seconds, if a client connects to the server but doesn't send any request in this time the connection will be terminated. Default value is 5 seconds.

d: Enable directory listings when 1 (disabled by default). When disabled, a request for a directory will try to serve the default document (INDEX.HTM) from that directory.

c: Enable support for CGI scripts when 1 (enabled by default). When disabled, CGI scripts will be served as regular static files.

a: Authentication mode:

  • 0: No authentication required (default).
  • 1: Authentication required for serving static content and directory listings.
  • 2: Authentication required for serving static content and directory listings, and also for running CGI scripts.

In authentication modes 1 and 2 two environment items named NWEB_USER and NWEB_PASSWORD must exist, they specify the set of credentials that will be accepted.

Environment items

NestorWeb makes use of the following environment items:

  • NWEB_TEMP: Temporary directory to be used by NestorWeb when running CGI scripts (required to cache the request and the response). This is optional, if not present the value of the TEMP item will be used instead. If that one doesn't exist either, the directory where the NWEB.COM file is located will be used as the temporary directory.

  • NWEB_USER and NWEB_PASSWORD: Credentials to be used for authentication. User and password supplied within the request must match these for the request to be successful if authentication is enabled.

  • NWEB_REALM: Value of the "realm" part in the WWW-Authenticate header that will be sent to the client when authentication is required but no credentials were supplied in the request. This is optional, the default value is "NestorWeb".

CGI scripts

A file will be recognized as a CGI script and executed if all of the following applies:

  • Support for CGI scripts is enabled.
  • The file has .CGI or .COM extension.
  • The file is located in a directory named CGI-BIN relative to the base directory (exactly in that directory, NOT in a subdirectory).
  • Authentication mode is 0 or 1, or it's 2 and proper credentials are supplied within the request.

CGI scripts are implemented as regular MSX-DOS executable programs that get the request via environment items and STDIN (file handle 0), and write the response to STDOUT (file handle 1). See the CGI development guide for details.

After a CGI script terminates its execution NestorWeb loads itself from disk again, therefore it's recommended to run NWEB.COM from a fast storage device, ideally the RAM disk. The same goes with the temporary directory: it's recommended to set NWEB_TEMP (or TEMP) to the RAM disk whenever possible (if a big enough RAM disk can be created to handle the biggest request and response that is expected to be handled by CGI scripts).

Security considerations

I shouldn't need to say this but: yes, using basic authentication over plain HTTP is highly unsecure; and storing passwords in environment items isn't any more secure either. Also no, NestorWeb hasn't passed anything remotely similar to a security audit and is not "battle-tested". But come on, this is a web server for MSX computers. If you use it for something really important or to serve sensitive data, well, it's only your fault; I provide this program as-is and... well, go and read the license please.

Last but not least...

...if you like this project please consider donating! My kids need moar shoes!