
BudgetBuddy is an expense tracker site that helps the user to track his budget with minimum effort.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

⭐Deployed Link:- https://chipper-salamander-929e38.netlify.app/index.html

💻Unique Project Name & logo :- Buget Buddy -

App Screenshot

This is a real-time budget application that allows users to track their expenses and income in real-time. It is designed to be easy to use and provides users with an intuitive interface for managing their finances.This is a collaborative Project from Masai School in the Construct Week With the 5 team members within 5 Days.

💫Tech Stack

Client: HTML | CSS | Javascript | Bootsrap | External CSS library

Server: Node.js | Express.js | MongoDB | PeerJS library | Socket.io | Bcrypt | PassPort | cors | Redis | JWT

github: To maintain repository and collabration and version control.

VS Code: To write HTML,CSS and JavaScript code.

Microsoft Edge,Google Chrome & Mozilla Firefox: To check the functionality and run the code.

Frontend Part

  • Home page
  • Login/Signup
  • Dashboard
  • Google OAuth
  • Github OAuth

Backend Part

  • Authentication using JWT
  • implementation using Socket.io
  • Node.js
  • Express.js


  • MongoDB
  • Redis

Features ✨

  • HomePage , Dashboard , Navbar, Footer

  • Real-time expense and income tracking

  • Intuitive and easy-to-use interface

  • Budget tracking and analysis

  • Secure user authentication and data encryption

  • Sign Up , Login

  • Multi-currency support

Screenshots 📷


App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

Signup | Login

App Screenshot

App Screenshot


App Screenshot


App Screenshot

App Screenshot

✨Collaboraters Names Are :-

  1. Konark Chandra Kumar(Team Lead)

  2. Manideep Peddaboini

  3. Sumit Kumar Yadav

  4. Shashwat Mahendra

  5. Abdul Haseeb T K

✨Thank You✨