
A minimalist's generic Vim plug-in for fuzzy finding files or folders

Primary LanguageVim Script

This is a minimalist's Vim plug-in that selects a sensible

  • fuzzy matcher (by default, among, in this order, skim, fzy, fzf, gof and peco) and
  • file finder (by default, among, in this order, fd, ripgrep, ag and find, on Unix, or dir, on Microsoft Windows)

to provide

  • commands :FuzzyFinderFile and :FuzzyFinderDir for fuzzy selecting a file respectively directory in the supplied directory, for example, FuzzyFinderDir ., and
  • mappings <Ctrl-P> and g<Ctrl-P> in normal mode (in terminal Vim) that call :FuzzyFinderFile for fuzzy selecting a file in the current working directory respectively in that of the currently open buffer.


To change the fuzzy matcher, change the values of g:fuzzyfinders_matchers in your vimrc; by default set to

  let g:fuzzyfinders_matchers = [
  \ 'sk',
  \ 'fzy',
  \ 'fzf',
  \ 'gof',
  \ 'peco',
  \ ]

To change the file finder, change the values of g:fuzzyfinders_file_cmds in your vimrc; by default set to

  let g:fuzzyfinders_file_cmds = [
  \ 'fd -L --type file --hidden --no-ignore --exclude .git/ --color never ' . (has('win32') ? '--fixed-strings ' : '') . '"" .',
  \ 'rg --glob "" --files --hidden --no-ignore --iglob !.git/ --color never "" .' ,
  \ 'ag --files-with-matches --unrestricted --ignore .git/ --nocolor --silent --filename-pattern "" .',
  \ ]

To change the directory finder, change the values of g:fuzzyfinders_dir_cmds in your vimrc; by default set to

  let g:fuzzyfinders_dir_cmds = [
        \ 'fd -L --type directory --hidden --no-ignore --exclude .git/ --color never ' . (has('win32') ? '--fixed-strings ' : '') . ' "" .',
        \ ]

To disable scheduling of the fuzzy finder (to avoid hogging the system's capacities), add to your vimrc

  let g:fuzzyfinders_use_scheduler = 0

To change the default mappings, change

nmap  <c-p>  <Plug>(FuzzyFinderFileWorkDir)
nmap g<c-p>  <Plug>(FuzzyFinderFileBufferDir)

in your vimrc. For example, to disable the mapping <c-p>,

nmap  <sid>(DisableFuzzyFinderFileWorkDir)  <Plug>(FuzzyFinderFileWorkDir)

Related Plug-ins

See fuzzyfinders.sh to add key bindings in Bash and ZSH to insert, right at the cursor position, a fuzzily found

  • command line of the history ,
  • file path,
  • directory path ,
  • the path of a recently changed file , or
  • the path of a directory recently changed to or of a subdirectory in the current directory.

The plug-in vim-picker uses git ls-files whenever the directory is inside a Git repository, and fd otherwise.