
A bundler friendly lazy loader for web components

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


To lazy load web components when they're discovered in the DOM.

How it works

Web Component Lazy Loader installs a MutationObserver on your root element and then queries through to find all the tagNames you have registered and calls the associated register() function for that tag.


npm install web-component-lazy-loader

Getting Started

import LazyLoader from "web-component-lazy-loader"

const lazyLoader = new LazyLoader({
  rootElement: document, // document is the default, but can be any Element or ShadowRoot
  components: {
    "sl-button": {
      // Auto-registering components
      register () { import("@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/components/button/button.js") }
    "my-component": {
      // Manually registering components
      register (tagName) {
        // !IMPORTANT! For most bundlers, you shouldn't use the `tagName` parameter
        // in the dynamic import because it will not be statically analyzable.
        // If you're using importmaps, do what you want.
        import("my-component").then((module) => {
          window.customElements.define(tagName, module.MyComponent)
    "my-other-component": {
      // { force: true } says not to check if the component has already been registered.
      force: true,
      register (tagName) {
        import("my-other-component").then((module) => {

// Start scanning via MutationObserver and perform an initial sweep

// If for some reason you want to stop later

Adding components later


const lazyLoader = new LazyLoader()


// LazyLoader converts objects to a Map() under the hood, so `components` is actually a Map()
lazyLoader.components.set("sl-button", {
  register () { import("@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/components/button/button.js") }

// If the tag already exists in the DOM, it won't be discovered, so we need to run the initial sweep again.


When appending a new component and the loader has already started, it will not check for existing tags in the DOM. You would need to perform lazyLoader.initialCheck() again.

Adding a new map

const lazyLoader = new LazyLoader()

// This will overwrite all previous components
  "sl-button": {
    register () { import("@shoelace-style/shoelace/dist/components/button/button.js") }



By using static import() functions we can play nicely with bundlers and get code-splitting for free and not rely on static references to the file.


exports/ is publicly available files internal/ is...well...internal.

exports and internal shouldn't write their own .d.ts that are co-located.

types/ is where you place your handwritten .d.ts files.