
Python API wrapper for capitoltrades.com

Primary LanguagePython


Python wrapper around the CapitolTrades.com API.

Examples will include:

  • Send notifications to pushbullet whenever the 45 days pass since your favorite insider trader politician traded a stock.
  • Sync up trades to Degiro


pm2 start notifier.config.js

Optional Flask Server

If not using Pushbullet, we also offer the option to run this Python wrapper as a stand-alone Flask app which can run on it's own server be queried as an API.

# To run the server on
$ FLASK_APP=app flask run
# Example requests and responses

# Step 1: Find the ID of the politician I am interested in using this hash map.
$ curl
    "A000148":"Auchincloss, Jacob Daniel (Jake)","A000360":"Alexander, Andrew Lamar, Jr","A000367":"Amash, Justin",
    "A000372":"Allen, Richard Wayne (Rick)","A000378":"Axne, Cynthia Lynne (Cindy)","B000574":"Blumenauer, Earl Francis","B000575":"Blunt, Roy Dean", 

# Step 2: Find trades for "A000367":"Amash, Justin"
$ curl
        "comment":"SUBHOLDING OF: Charles Schwab Investment Account - DC1",
                "issuerName":"The Walt Disney Co","issuerTicker":"DIS:US","sector":"communication-services"