
Advanced Genetic Algorithm based on Numpy, with a fast and easy-to-use API.

Primary LanguagePython



This is Genetic Algorithm implementation, written in Python. The goal is to create a Genetic Algorithm that is quick to implement and easy to use. This implementation introduces several new features that I came up with while working with it, such as support for stochastic problems and new types offspring creation.

API documentation

Instance initialization

GeneticAlgorithm = GA(
    generations_count=100,   # number of simulated generations
    population_count=200,    # number of population in generation
    function=function,       # function to optimize
    params_bounds=bounds,    # variable bounds for each argument
    fitness_threshold=None,  # threshold value of fitness for early stopping
    maximize=False,          # decide to optimize values for minimizing or maximizing function output
    floating_point=True,     # variables data type
    stochastic=False,        # set True if function to optimize have stochastic nature
    stochastic_iterations=3, # if function to optimize have stochastic nature, performs multiple calculations for every individual (>=3)
    allow_gene_duplication=True, # allows the same genes to be calculated several times
    crossover_percentage=0.3,# percentage of population reproduced by crossover
    mutation_percentage=0.7  # percentage of population reproduced by mutation



Runs a solution search. Verbosity mode. 0 = progress bar, 1 = generation number and best stats, 2 = adds console clear between generations.


Returns best solution.


Returns best solution fitness.


Returns searching time in seconds.

    title = 'Fitness over generations',
    xlabel = 'Generation',
    ylabel = 'Fitness',
    font_size = 12,
    line_width = 2,
    save_dir = None,
    image_name = 'learning_curve.png'

Plots learning curve and returns fitness array. if save_dir is None, the image will not be saved.


Returns a list of searched solutions, only if allow_gene_duplication=False.


Example 0

A test of a genetic algorithm on a popular optimization problem, the Rosenbrock function. The script runs a basic optimization using a relatively small population and number of generations.

Sample learning curve:


After the evolution is complete, the searched solutions are plotted on the function plane. The best solution is marked as a big red dot.
