
Spinner Web Component (Using Custom Elements v1 and Shadow DOM)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Spinner Web Component (Using Custom Elements v1 and Shadow DOM)


You can see it live


The <spinner-component></spinner-component> represents spinner that can be used on the page during loading of the external resources or data. Component can hold text which can be set either via attribute text or via property on the component itself. Component doesn't receive any children.

How to use

Download spinner-web-component.js file and link it in your HTML document. Declare <spinner-component></spinner-component> in your HTML document.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <script src="spinner-web-component.js"></script>

NOTE: When component is insterted into the DOM, it automatically gets hidden attribute set on it, that is, it will be hidden by default.

Browser Support

Chrome 54, Edge 79, Firefox 63, Opera 41, Safari 10.1, iOS Safari 10.3, Samsung Internet 6.0



Common attributes like id, hidden are supported and can be used as with the regular HTML Elements.

Component also supports the following attributes:


Represent text that will be displayed when component is visible.

NOTE: If this attribute is set on the component via HTML and then setup method is called without setting text.value, then text attribute will be used, otherwise value set via setup method is used.

If text attribute not set via attribute or as a property, and component doesn't have aria-label set on it, aria-label="loading" will be set by default. Otherwise if text attribute is set, aria-labelledby="spinnerText" will be set. Each time text attribute is changed, either via attribute or as a property, aria-label/aria-labelledby will be changed accordingly.

  // set via property
  const spinner = document.getElementById("spinner");
  spinner.text = "some text for spinner";
  // get via property
  const spinner = document.getElementById("spinner");
  const spinnerCurrentText = spinner.text;
 // set on HTML Element
 <spinner-component text="some text for spinner"></spinner-component>


Component supports the following properties:

isShown [read-only]

Boolean value determines whether component is visible.

  // get via property
  const spinner = document.getElementById("spinner");
  const isSpinnerVisible = spinner.isShown;


show Event

Event is fired when component is shown by calling show method, in addition its isShown property will be changed accordingly. You can determine current state of the component by reading event.detail.isShown property. This event bubbles up through the DOM.

 document.addEventListener("show", function (e) {
   const isSpinnerShown = e.detail.isShown;
   console.log("from spinner-component SHOW EVENT");

hide Event

Event is fired when component is hidden by calling hide method, its isShown property will be changed accordingly. You can determine current state of the component by reading event.detail.isShown property. This event bubbles up through the DOM.

 document.addEventListener("hide", function (e) {
   const isSpinnerShown = e.detail.isShown;
   console.log("from spinner-component HIDE EVENT");



Setup component with initial values.

Method receives options object parameter with the following properties:

  • {HTMLElement} parentContainer - Containing Element for the component (coponent's container)

NOTE: container should have CSS position property other than static (e.g. relative or absolute)

  • {Object} direction - Custom directions to adjust component manually (e.g. top: 10px / left: 50% etc...)

    Example: spinner.setup({..., "direction": {top: "41%"} });
  • {String} color - CSS Valid value for the color/background properties in string representation, e.g. grey/rgb(255, 30, 30)/#f1f1f1

  • {Number} size - Size of the component, 1 is 100%, 0.5 is 50% of the spinner's original size (NOTE: component's size, internally, set via font-size property)

  • {Object} text - Options for the component's text element:

    • {String} color - CSS Valid value for the color/background properties in string representation, e.g. grey/rgb(255, 30, 30)/#f1f1f1

    • {Number} size - Size of the component's text, 1 is 100%, 0.5 is 50% of the component's original size

    • {Object} direction - Custom directions to adjust component's text manually (e.g. top: 10px / left: 50% etc...)

      Example: spinner.setup({..., text: { "direction": {top: "41%"} } });
    • {String} value - Component's text element's value (internally set via HTMLElement.textContent)

NOTE: If during setup text.value is set, it is used as component's text, otherwise text set via attribute on the component will be used


<spinner-component id="top-spinner"></spinner-component>
// Examples:
// get element
var topSpinner = document.getElementById("top-spinner");

// setup - without setting `text.value`
topSpinner.setup({size: 0.35, color: "cornflowerblue", text: {color: "firebrick"}});

//setup - setting `text.value` explicitly
size: 2.5, 
color: "yellow", 
direction: {
    top: "2rem"
text: { 
    color: "firebrick", 
    value: "50% percents"

// setup - setting parent container
const parentElement = document.getElementById("container");

parentContainer: parentElement 
color: "yellow", 
text: { 
    color: "green", 
    value: "loading data"


Reveals component.

Also the following actions will be made:

show event will be fired

aria-busy will be set to true on the component's parent container (see aria-busy for more info)

isShown property of the component will be changed


const spinner = document.getElementById("spinner");


Hides component.

Also the following actions will be made:

hide event will be fired

aria-busy will be removed from the component's parent container (see aria-busy for more info)

isShown property of the component will be changed


const spinner = document.getElementById("spinner");


Custom styles

You can customize component, by setting your css on the component itself and by using CSS custom properties (a.k.a CSS variables).

NOTE: component's dimension properties mainly defined in em unit (this unit is relative to the font-size property that defined on the element itself or on the parent element), thus, you can change its dimensions by setting font-size on the component itself or on the parent element.

  // default values
  spinner-component {
     --hue: 0;
     --lightness: 100%;
     --saturation: 46%;
     --alpha: 0;

     --box-shadow-hue: var(--hue);
     --box-shadow-lightness: var(--lightness);
     --box-shadow-saturation: 18%;
     --box-shadow-alpha: var(--alpha);

     --box-shadow-x: 0px;
     --box-shadow-y: 0px;
     --box-shadow-blur: 3px;
     --box-shadow-spread: 0px;

     --spinner--color: hsla(var(--hue), var(--lightness), var(--saturation), var(--alpha));
     --spinner--size: 1rem;
     --spinner--backdrop: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
     --spinner--box-shadow: var(--box-shadow-x) var(--box-shadow-y) var(--box-shadow-blur) var(--box-shadow-spread) hsla(var(--box-shadow-hue), var(--box-shadow-lightness), var(--box-shadow-saturation), var(--box-shadow-alpha));
     --spinner--text-color: var(--spinner--color);
     --spinner--text-size: var(--spinner--size);

     --spinner--direction-left: 50%;
     --spinner--direction-top: 50%;

     --spinner-text-direction-left: 0;
     --spinner-text-direction-top: 0;

CSS custom properties

The following properties can be used to customize the component:


Sets hue for component's color/box-shadow properties. [default value: 0]


Sets lightness for component's color/box-shadow properties. [default value: 100%]


Sets saturation for component's color/box-shadow properties. [default value: 46%]


Sets alpha for component's color/box-shadow properties. [default value: 0]


Sets hue for component's box-shadow property's color which is set via hsla. [default value: var(--hue)]


Sets lightness for component's box-shadow property's color which is set via hsla. [default value: var(--lightness)]


Sets saturation for component's box-shadow property's color which is set via hsla. [default value: 18%]


Sets alpha for component's box-shadow property's color which is set via hsla. [default value: var(--alpha)]


Sets x-offset for component's box-shadow property. [default value: 0]


Sets y-offset for component's box-shadow property. [default value: 0]


Sets blur for component's box-shadow property. [default value: 3px]


Sets spread for component's box-shadow property. [default value: 0]


Sets component's box-shadow. [default value: var(--box-shadow-x) var(--box-shadow-y) var(--box-shadow-blur) var(--box-shadow-spread) hsla(var(--box-shadow-hue), var(--box-shadow-lightness), var(--box-shadow-saturation), var(--box-shadow-alpha))]


Sets component's color property. [default value: hsla(var(--hue), var(--lightness), var(--saturation), var(--alpha)) if none of the custom properties are set, contaning block's color proerty value will be used]


Sets component's size. [default value: 1rem]


Sets component's text color. [default value: var(--spinner--color)]


Sets component's backdrop which is displayed beneath the component when visible. [default value: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)]


Sets component's text size. [default value: var(--spinner--size)]


Sets component's direction left. [default value: 50%]


Sets component's direction top. [default value: 50%]


Sets component's text direction left. [default value: 0]


Sets component's text direction top. [default value: 0]