
Toast component

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Toast Component

Toast component (using HTML, CSS, JS)


You can see it live


Toast component accepts either plain text or any HTML markup and can be called any time a message should be displayed on the screen.

How to use

Download toast.module.js, if you use modules in your code, or toast.js if you use plain JS files approach. Link it in your HTML document, or in case you use modules you can import it in you main entery point file. You don't need to create any HTML markup for this toast in your HTML. When Toast component intialized, by calling Toast constructor, container that holds new Toast components will be automatically created on your HTML page and every time Toast component is being called it will automatically create needed HTML markup and insert it into a special container on the page.


Using plain Script file approach

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <script src="/toast.js"></script>
// using plain script file approach

// Initialization
const myToast = new window.Toast({ title: "Toast Title", beforeCloseCallback: toastBeforeCloseCallback, closeCallback: toastCloseCallback, direction: "from-bottom", position: "left" });

// Use case
const openToastBtn = document.getElementById("openToast");

// add event listener to the button which opens new Toast
openToastBtn.addEventListener("click", onOpenToastBtnClick);

const toastContent = `<span>I am toast content Very Long One Might Be even too long</span><p style="margin: 0;">I don't know what do you mean by being too long</p><button class="btn-flat toast-action">Undo</button>`;

function onOpenToastBtnClick(e) {
    myToast.show({ content: toastContent, customClasses: ["my-toast", "c-toast--green"]});

Using Modules Approach

// in you main entery point file
import Toast from "./toast.module.js";

// Initialization
const myToast = new Toast({ title: "Toast Title", beforeCloseCallback: toastBeforeCloseCallback, closeCallback: toastCloseCallback, direction: "from-bottom", position: "left" });

// Use case
const openToastBtn = document.getElementById("openToast");

// add event listener to the button which opens new Toast
openToastBtn.addEventListener("click", onOpenToastBtnClick);

const toastContent = `<span>I am toast content Very Long One Might Be even too long</span><p style="margin: 0;">I don't know what do you mean by being too long</p><button class="btn-flat toast-action">Undo</button>`;

function onOpenToastBtnClick(e) {
    myToast.show({ content: toastContent, customClasses: ["my-toast", "c-toast--green"]});

Initialization Options

NOTE: The following options can be passed during the initialization (when Toast constructor is being called) or during each call to the show method. Some properties, though, can be set only during initialization as changing them after it will brake the proper behavior of the Toast component.

position [optional] | (type: String) | [default value: left]

Position of the Toast component's container on the page. Should be set only during initialization state (when the Toast constructor is called).

Valid values are:

  • left (container appears on the left)

  • right (container appears on the right)


// Set only during initialization
const myToast = new Toast({ position: "left" });

direction [optional] | (type: String) | [default value: from-bottom]

Direction from which Toast component will appear. Should be set only during initialization state (when the Toast constructor is called).

Valid values are:

  • from-bottom (toast appears from the bottom of the page)

  • from-top (toast appears from the top of the page)


// Set only during initialization
const myToast = new Toast({ direction: "from-bottom" });

title [optional] | (type: String) | [default value: ""]

String contains title text of the Toast component. Can be set both during initialization and when show method is called.


// Set during initialization
const myToast = new Toast({ title: "my title" });

// Set when `show` method is called
myToast.show({ title: "my title" });

content (type: String) | [default value: ""]

String contains content for the Toast component, string may contain plain text or HTML markup that will be parsed and displayed. Can be set both during initialization and when show method is called.


// Set during initialization using plain string text
const myToast = new Toast({ content: "my content" });

// Set during initialization using HTML markup
const myToast = new Toast({ content: "<p>my content</p><button>my button</button>" });


// Set when `show` method is called using plain string text
myToast.show({ content: "my content" });

// Set when `show` method is called using HTML markup
myToast.show({ content: "<p>my content</p><button>my button</button>" });

customClasses [optional] | (type: Array) | [default value: undefined]

Array contains custom classes (predefined style classes) for the Toast component (e.g. my-toast c-toast--green...). Can be set both during initialization and when show method is called.


// Set during initialization
const myToast = new Toast({ customClasses: ["my-toast", "c-toast--green"] });

// Set when `show` method is called
myToast.show({ customClasses: ["my-toast", "c-toast--green"] });

closeAfterSeconds [optional] | (type: Number) | [default value: 10]

Duration, in seconds, after which Toast component will be closed, if isAutoClosed property is set to TRUE. Can be set both during initialization and when show method is called.


// Set during initialization
const myToast = new Toast({ closeAfterSeconds: 5 });

// Set when `show` method is called
myToast.show({ closeAfterSeconds: 5 });

isAutoClosed [optional] | (type: Boolean) | [default value: TRUE]

Determines whether Toast component should be auto closed, according to the time set in closeAfterSeconds property. Can be set both during initialization and when show method is called.


// Set during initialization
const myToast = new Toast({ isAutoClosed: false });

// Set when `show` method is called
myToast.show({ isAutoClosed: false });

beforeCloseCallback [optional] | (type: Function) | [default value: null]

Callback function that will be called when Toast component is going to be closed and removed from the DOM. Can be set both during initialization and when show method is called. Toast component instance will be sent as input property.


// Define custom handler
function toastBeforeCloseCallback(toastInstance) {
  // Some actions that needed to be done before Toast component is going to be hidden and removed from the DOM

// Set during initialization
const myToast = new Toast({ beforeCloseCallback: toastBeforeCloseCallback });

// Set when `show` method is called
myToast.show({ beforeCloseCallback: toastBeforeCloseCallback });

beforeCloseCallback [optional] | (type: Function) | [default value: null]

Callback function that will be called after Toast component has been closed and removed from the DOM. Can be set both during initialization and when show method is called. Toast component instance will be sent as input property.


// Define custom handler
function toastCloseCallback(toastInstance) {
  // Some actions that needed to be done before Toast component is going to be hidden and removed from the DOM

// Set during initialization
const myToast = new Toast({ closeCallback: toastCloseCallback });

// Set when `show` method is called
myToast.show({ closeCallback: toastCloseCallback });

useKeyboardShortcutToClose [optional] | (type: Boolean) | [default value: TRUE]

Determines whether it is possible to close Toast component using keyboard shortcut. Can be set both during initialization and when show method is called. When set to true, keydown event will be set on the document.body HTML element to intercept the defined shortcut and call the hide method.


If set to false during the initialization state, event handler won't be set on the document.body, that is, all subsequent calls via the show method won't do/change anything.

If set to false using the show method, the keydown event will be set on the document.body (during the initialization state) but won't do anything when shortcut is used.


// Set during initialization
const myToast = new Toast({ useKeyboardShortcutToClose: false });

// Set when `show` method is called
myToast.show({ useKeyboardShortcutToClose: false });

keyboardShortcutKey [optional] | (type: String) | [default value: "x"]

Key to use to close Toast component, using keyboard. This key will be used in combination with the Ctrl key. Can be set both during initialization and when show method is called.

NOTE: this key symbol should be the one of the permitted symbols for the KeyboardEvent.key property (@see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key).


// Set during initialization
const myToast = new Toast({ keyboardShortcutKey: "x" });

// Set when `show` method is called
myToast.show({ keyboardShortcutKey: "x" });