Weather parser for site


Parser worked in two modes:

  • getting data from the date of start observations;
  • getting data for missing period (it is assumed to download from a specific date).

For SYNOP and METAR now!

Parser get weather data for your weather stations for years. That data converted for loading to database. Database structure described in file. Aim of getting weather data might be a lot:

  • climate change studies,
  • agricaltural expiriments,
  • comparison of resort areas, etc...

How to use

Now cities.csv contain data of my last parsing. For clear it use:

python clear_cities

Clear_cities command delete all exept place, link, and weather station type.

python get_weather

Open config.example.ini and write connection to your postgresql database or don't do it if you want to save data in csv files. Write folder path for saving data it is necessarily. Delete .example from config name. If you want use another database check how to make it with pyDAL. Parser work with csv file (cities.csv) with 3 required parameters:

  • city name (maybe place name);
  • link on rp5 site page with that city or place;
  • type of data: 0 - SYNOP, 1 - METAR;

and optional parameters (parser add it autonomous):

  • last date of download data (yesterday);
  • number of weather station;
  • country;
  • id weather station if you are using database;
  • latitude weather station;
  • longitude weather station;
  • metar (0 if SYNOP/ value if METAR).

Cities.csv contain some data as example. Put your data here. places.txt contain all weather sources for Russia at date 17.07.2021.

If you want to find weather sources for other countries use:

python find_sources REQUIRED_YOUR_LINK

That command find all weather sources but you need add link. Example for Russia:

python find_sourcesПогода_в_России

After that you should start:

python update_sources

for cities.csv file contain unique links of your finded stations.

How to use Yandex API

Find main -> example directory and change {your_api_key} in reverse_geocode.html. Open than file in browser. And copy token, id to config.ini, you find that in developers settings -> network -> JS -> click on the map for callback -> Request URL string will contain token and id, Request Headers will contain cookie - change cookie in Also you need to add your login (everything up to the symbol @ in your yandex email) and password.