This is a rest application made with nodeJs

It includes a rudementary load balancer that accepts traffic on port 80 and balaces it between 3 hard-coded servers using round-robin algorythm

How to run it:

  1. Clone the repo
$ cd /home
$ git clone && cd harbour-space-cloud-module
  1. Install docker & docker-compose
# Theese scripts are made for AWS Linux (don't use them for other repos)
$ ./scripts/
$ ./scripts/
  1. Build & run docker-compose
# Build docker images
$ docker-compose build

# Run docker-compose in terminal
$ docker-compose run
# OR - run docker-compose in the background
$ docker-compose run -d

Application Endpoints:

  1. /host_id - This endpoint returns a random uuid
  2. /health - This endpoint tells you if the server is online
  3. /change - This endpoit is only for testing purposes. It changes the state of the server from online to offline and back
  • All servers are configured by default to use ports [3000-3002]