
Object-oriented framework for build board game logic in python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Object-oriented framework for build board game logic in python

pip install bgameb

Short example

from typing import Optional
from pydantic import Field
from bgameb import (

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Defining a classes
    class MyPlayer(Player):
        deck: Deck

    # Creating of the game
    class MyGame(Game):
        steps: Steps
        shaker: Shaker
        me: MyPlayer
        opp: MyPlayer

    # The Player and Game are an obstract containeers for tools and stuff.
    # Deck, Bag, Shaker and Steps are tools. Dice, Card and Step are items.
    # Use Components to fill Game class
    C = Components[Dice | Card | Step]()

    G = MyGame(
        id="my game",
        steps=Steps(id="game steps"),
        shaker=Shaker(id="dice shaker"),
            deck=Deck(id="my cards deck")
            deck=Deck(id="opponent cards deck")

    # The tool objects must be filled by items by method add().
    # That because we use some other methods for check
    # data types and makes some operations with items inside tool.

    # Adding game tuns order in Steps tool
    C.step0 = Step(id='step0')
    C.step1 = Step(id='step1', priority=1)

    # Starting of new turn
    current_steps = G.steps.deal(C)

    # Game steps is a priority queue, ordered by "priority" attribute
    last = G.steps.pops()

    # Adding of cards to deck. "count" parameter define how mutch
    # copies of card we must deal.
        Card(id='First', description='story', count=2)
    C.update(Card(id='Second', count=1))

    # All items in tools are saved in spetial object Components.
    # Is a dict-like class. A component usied as base for other operations with items.
    # Any item is available in Component with dot or classic dict
    # notation. Names for that notation is transited from ids of items.
    card = C.first
    card = C['first']
    step = C.step0

    # You can get item by its id
    card = C.by_id('First')

    # If you relocate some bult-in attrs, inherite from stuff classes,
    # then define aliases for attributes. In this example we use two
    # different solution: Field aliase and config.
    # Dont forget use G.dict(by_alias=True) to get aliases.
    # More infoshere:
    # https://docs.pydantic.dev/usage/model_config/#alias-generator
    # Finaly, if you need use callbacs to export data from some
    # function as field values - define properties.
    class MyCard(Card):
        description: Optional[str] = Field(None, alias='some_bla_bla')
        some_text: Optional[str] = 'some texts'

        class Config(Card.Config):
            fields = {'is_revealed': 'is_open'}

        def my_calculated_field(self) -> str:
            return self.some_text.upper()

        MyCard(id='Thierd', description='story', count=3)

    # Use default counters of any objects - counters not added to schema
    G.me.deck._counter['yellow'] = 12
    G.me.deck._counter['banana'] = 0

    # Dealing and shuffling of deck

    # Adding dices to shaker
        Dice(id='dice#8', sides=8, count=10)

    # You can use items from Components
    result = C.dice_8.roll()

    # Or use from tool
    result = G.shaker.roll()



how install project for development.

Typicaly: pip install -e .[dev]

Available cli

make proj-doc

make test

to check simple scenario use python tests/check.py

make test-pypi to test deploy to testpypi

make log - insert fragmet name to store new about project

make ipython run interactive terminal

make check check flake8 and mypy

Available fragmet naming:

  • .feature: Signifying a new feature.
  • .bugfix: Signifying a bug fix.
  • .doc: Signifying a documentation improvement.
  • .removal: Signifying a deprecation or removal of public API.
  • .misc: A ticket has been closed, but it is not of interest to users.

make draft - to check changelog output before release.

make release - to bump version, build changelog, commit, push tags and changes.

* for version management are used incremental and towncrier for changelog * project based on pydantic