
LeetCode learning repo

Primary LanguagePython


Install dependencies

git clone git@github.com:KonstantinKlepikov/algo-learn.git

viretualenv -p python 3.10 venv

Make sure that venv is activated before install dependencies.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Work with problems

  • look at src/example.py - this is an example of little solution. Here we use decorators for measure run time of code. Code of decorators contains in src/util/
  • work in you own folder to solve problems src/<your folder name>. Use name of function in LeetCode task as name of python file where you test a solution
  • pls use decorators to measure times
  • check code style by run flake8 src/<your folder name> before any commit
  • create you own branch and commit to that branch. You cant commit directly to main. If your solution is ready - make pull request to main from your branch. Review no needed - merge it by itself. Dont forget fetch and pull before and after.