
This is a program written in java that implements a dictionary of the English language through a compressed Trie based (radix) on the English alphabet (a-z). Compressed is any Trie whose nodes that are not terminals and have only one child are joined to their child. Joined nodes represent a string instead of a single character.


● -i word: Inserts word into Trie.

● -r word: Deletes the word word from the Trie.

● -f word: Searches the word in the Trie.

● -p: Prints the pre-order penetration of Trie.

● -d: Prints all the words of the stored dictionary in alphabetical order.

● -w word X: Searches the Trie for all words of the same length as word that are exactly X characters away from the given word.

● -s suffix: Searches the Trie for words containing the given suffix.

● -q: Prints the string “Bye bye!” followed by a newline character and terminates the program.

Compilation and Execution

Compile the files using the command:

javac CompressedTrie/

Run the files using the Command:

java HW1