
...I might be furry trash.

Primary LanguageAssemblyMIT LicenseMIT


Notices Bulge

What's This?

 krutonium@Arch  ~  OwO
                 *Notices Bulge*
__        ___           _    _        _   _     _
\ \      / / |__   __ _| |_ ( ) ___  | |_| |__ (_) ___
 \ \ /\ / /| '_ \ / _\`| __|// / __| | __| '_ \| |/ __|
  \ V  V / | | | | (_| | |_    \__ \ | |_| | | | |\__ \
   \_/\_/  |_| |_|\__,_|\__|   |___/ \___|_| |_|_|/___/

How To Run


`gnatmake OwO.adb && ./OwO`


`fbc OwO.bas`


`chmod +x OwO.sh && ./OwO.sh`


`CALL OwO.bat`


`booi OwO.boo`

npm install --g node-brainfuck-compiler
brainfuck-compiler -i BF/OwO.bf -o BF/OwO-compiled.js && node Brainfuck/OwO-compiled.js

Alternatively, Try it online!


`gcc OwO.c -o OwO && ./OwO`


`g++ OwO.cpp -o OwO && ./OwO`


`dotnet restore && dotnet run`


`coffee OwO.coffee`


`crystal OwO.cr`


`dmd OwO.d && ./OwO`


`dart OwO.dart`


`docker build . -t owo && docker run owo`


`emacs -q --script OwO.el`


`elixir Elixir.exs`


`emojicodec OwO.emojic && ./OwO`


1> c(owo).

2> owo:owoPrint().

`fetlang OwO.fet`


`chmod +x OwO.fish && ./OwO.fish`


`go run OwO.go`


`runghc OwO.hs`


`firefox OwO.html`


`java OwO.java`

**JavaScript (NodeJS) and JSFuck**

`node OwO.js`


`cscript OwO.js`


`julia OwO.jl`


`kotlinc OwO.kt -include-runtime -d OwO.jar && java -jar OwO.jar`


`pdflatex OwO.tex` or `latex OwO.tex` or `xelatex OwO.tex`


`clisp OwO.lisp`


`lci OwO.lol`


`lua OwO.lua`




`malbolge OwO.mal`


`nim compile --run OwO.nim` or `nimble run`


`ocaml OwO.ml`


`perl OwO.pl`


`php OwO.php`


`fpc OwO.pas`


`powershell OwO.ps1`

**Python (v2.x and v3.x respectively)**

`python main.py` or `python3 main.py`


`Rscript OwO.R` Linux/Unix
`R.exe OwO.R` Windows


`red -c OwO.red` and then run the compiled executable from a command prompt/terminal.


`ruby OwO.rb`


`cargo run`

**Slashes** Find an interpreter on [here](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/37014/interpret-pronounced-slashes) and run it

`swift OwO.swift`


`tclsh OwO.tcl`


`tsc OwO.ts | node OwO.ts`


`v run OwO.v`


`valac OwO.vala && ./OwO`


`cscript OwO.vbs`


`vbc ./OwO.vb && ./OwO`

**WhiteSpaces** `Replace space with 1 and tab with 0`
`Then decode binary`

`terraform init && terraform apply`


`chmod +x OwO.zsh && ./OwO.zsh`

What's This?

 krutonium@Arch  ~  OwO
                 *Notices Bulge*
__        ___           _    _        _   _     _
\ \      / / |__   __ _| |_ ( ) ___  | |_| |__ (_) ___
 \ \ /\ / /| '_ \ / _\`| __|// / __| | __| '_ \| |/ __|
  \ V  V / | | | | (_| | |_    \__ \ | |_| | | | |\__ \
   \_/\_/  |_| |_|\__,_|\__|   |___/ \___|_| |_|_|/___/