
Getting Started

To init the Door System, require the module.

local doorSystem = require(ReplicatedStorage.Shared.DoorSystem) --Path to the module

Then load the doors with:


And the buttons with:


Add Your Own Doors

To Add your own door you start by creating the a folder with your DoorName inside the DoorSystem.Doors folder in your Workspace.

Inside this folder put your DoorParts in a linear order. BUILD YOUR DOOR CLOSED!

Your folder should look like this:

├── DoorButtons
├── Doors
│   ├── YourDoor
│   │   ├── 1
│   │   ├── 2

Now you need to reference them inside the module. Inside the DoorSystem file you need to add a new door to the DoorSystem.Doors table.

        name = "YourDoor", --Same name as the folder
        tweenInfo = {
            time = 3, -- in seconds | Door will open in that time
            easingStyle = Enum.EasingStyle.Quint,
            easingDirection = Enum.EasingDirection.Out,
            repeatCount = 0,
            delayTime = 0
        goalSettings = {
                pos = Vector3.new(0,0,-10) -- relative displacement to the 1st Door Part
                pos = Vector3.new(0,0,10)  -- relative displacement to the 2nd Door Part
        parts = {}, --will be filled by loadDoors()
        tweens = { --will be filled by loadDoors()
            open = {},
            close = {}
        status = DoorEnums.Status.Closed, --standard, don't change

Now you've set up your own door.

Find a Door

To find a door use the doorSystem:findDoorByName() function.

local door = doorSystem:findDoorByName("YourDoor")

Open a Door

After your found your door you can use the door:trigger() function to trigger it: If closed -> it opens, If open -> it closes, If either opening/closing -> it does notihing

local door = doorSystem:findDoorByName("YourDoor")

You can do this manually too by using either




Working with Buttons

The button feature let's you trigger one or multiple Doors with a Part acting as a Button.

First create a Part inside the DoorSystem.DoorButtons folder. Add a ClickDetector to the Part. Then create a folder inside of the Part called DoorNames Inside of this folder, add String Values with the Value set to your DoorName.

├── DoorButtons
│   ├── Button
│   │   ├── DoorNames
│   │   │   ├── 1 -> Value: YourDoor
│   │   │   ├── 2 -> Value: OtherDoor
│   │   ├── ClickDetector
├── Doors

Now load the Buttons with
