
:busts_in_silhouette: An identd which serves spoofed responses to requests for identity information.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Spoof ident daemon. Nimble Pythonic spoof identd. Please note that this is not a "real" identd -- it will not return correct information for which user is using which port. Instead, it will reply with a username and OS of your choice to all requests.

Docker Setup

There is a Dockerfile that sets up and runs this service.

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/flotwig/spoofident

To configure spoofident in Docker, you can pass in a spoofident.json based on spoofident.json.example, see below for details on the configuration keys and the volume syntax.

Sample docker run

docker run -p 113:113 \
  --restart=always \
  -v /my/spoofident.json:/app/spoofident.json

Sample docker-compose.yml

    image: 'flotwig/spoofident:latest'
    restart: always
    - /my/spoofident.json:/app/spoofident.json
    - '113:113'

Non-Docker Installation

  1. git clone the repo
    git clone git@github.com:flotwig/spoofident.git
    cd ./spoofident/
  2. Copy the spoofident.json.example file to spoofident.json and fill out the settings. Here follows an explanation for the various settings:
    • listeners: An array of two-value arrays -- host/port pairs which spoofident will listen on. By default, it is set to ["::",113]; that is, the identd port on all IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces. You may need to set it to ["",113] if your system lacks IPv6 support.
    • setuid: Very important. This is the user ID which spoofident will drop down to. Because ident runs on a port <1000, it requires root privileges to bind to that port. Even though spoofident is a very secure daemon, it's poor practice to run any server as root, so spoofident will drop to this uid immediately after binding to the listeners specified. Please note that this is a uid, not a username - it is a numerical ID for a user on your system. By default it is 65534, the standard ID for "nobody" on Linux.
    • setgid: Same as setuid but for group ID. By default 65534 for nogroup.
    • user: This is the username which will be returned for all requests to spoofident. Keep it display-safe ASCII.
    • os: This is the OS string. The RFC defines it as an uppercase display-safe ASCII string. It doesn't really matter what you set this to. I advise setting it to some jibberish or keeping it as "SPOOF" as to avoid disclosing information about your system.
  3. Run spoofident.py as root to start the daemon.
    sudo python spoofident.py &
  4. Add python /path/to/spoofident.py to /etc/rc.local to start spoofident on system startup.