My current Conky config


Author: Koratsuki


Version: 1.11.6

License: Distributed under the terms of GNU GPL version 2 or later

Based on: Smooth_Conky style by fabtk

Status: Work in progress

Updated: Some new icons, and minor fixes.

How to use this:


Requires: lm-sensors and lsb-release

Install: # apt install conky-all lm-sensors lsb-release

And what now?

For example: Clone this repo, put it on your home folder under any name, .conky, and fonts folder in .fonts folder under your home. You will need to compile your font cache. Run:

# fc-cache -f

And call the config file with:

# conky -c /home/$USER/.conky/conky.cfg

Put that line on system start, and you're done!


Note 1: I use Devuan, and Devuan uses old style networking interfaces names, so, you might change wlan0 and eth0 for wlp5s0 and enp0s1. Thanks systemd/udev.

Read this:

Network interfaces renaming
