Decentralized Organization Chain
Decentralized blockchain application built with the Lisk SDK allowing startups to receive funding and investors to influence company decisions.
Docs and Demo
For a live demo:
For the public API:
Example calls:
For client documentation: Client - Readme
For Server documentation: Server - Readme
You can find helpful tools and examples to make transactions in the server/tools directory.
Custom transactions
There are 4 custom transactions implemented:
Type 101 Register as an investor. 1000 DOC
User object:
name: string (32 char)
type: string "investor"
Type 102 Register as a board member. 100000 DOC
User object:
name: string (32 char)
type: string "board"
Type 103 Add a new poll. 1000 DOC
Poll object:
question: string (256 char)
answers: array of answer 1-5
answer 1-5: string (128 char)
Type 104 Cast a vote. 100 DOC
Vote: number (1-5)