This is a really simple component that can automatically handle loading Google fonts for you.
You simply pass it a config array and it will load the fonts for you by appending a <link />
tag to the document head. It will update itself if the config changes, and will remove itself on unmount.
Install with either yarn or npm:
yarn add react-google-font-loader
npm install --save react-google-font-loader
// Import the Component, you can call it whatever you like.
import GoogleFontLoader from 'react-google-font-loader';
const App = () => (
{/* Use it! */}
font: 'Roboto',
weights: [400, '400i'],
font: 'Roboto Mono',
weights: [400, 700],
subsets={['cyrillic-ext', 'greek']}
<p style={{ fontFamily: 'Roboto Mono, monospaced' }}>This will be in Roboto Mono!</p>
<p style={{ fontFamily: 'Roboto, sans-serif' }}>This will be in Roboto!</p>
The Component takes two props: fonts
and subsets
should be an array of objects describing the fonts you want to load:
font: 'Roboto Mono', // The name of the font on Google Fonts.
weights: [400, 700], // An array of weights you want to load, can be strings or numbers.
// ...
// You can include as many of these objects as you want.
should be an array of subsets you want to load. This prop is optional - if you do not specify a subsets
prop then the 'subset' query param will be omitted from the URL and only latin will be loaded.
['cyrillic-ext', 'greek']