
A forensic system baselining, searching, and evidence collection tool

Table of Contents

  Section 1 .................... Overview
  Section 2 .................... Licensing
  Section 3 .................... Versions
  Section 4 .................... Branches

1 Overview

  FTimes is a forensic system baselining, searching, and evidence
  collection tool.  Its primary purpose is to gather and/or
  develop topographical information and attributes about specified
  directories and files in a manner conducive to intrusion and
  forensic analysis.  FTimes is available from these locations:


2 Licensing

  This project is governed by multiple open-source licences. The
  exact terms and conditions under which software in this project
  are released are set forth in README.LICENSE.

3 Versions

  This project utilizes a version numbering scheme that allocates
  4 bits to the major number, 8 bits to the minor number, 8 bits
  to the patch number, 2 bits to the state number, and 10 bits to
  the build number. The following diagram depicts the scheme.

    |3322|22222222|11111111|11|          |
     ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
        |        |       |   |          |
        |        |       |   |          +-----> b - build (0...1023)
        |        |       |   +----------------> s - state (0......3)
        |        |       +--------------------> p - patch (0....255)
        |        +----------------------------> m - minor (0....255)
        +-------------------------------------> M - major (0.....15)

  State Numbers:

    00 = ds --> Development Snapshot
    01 = rc --> Release Candidate
    10 = sr --> Standard Release
    11 = xs --> eXtended Snapshot

  Below is an example mapping of a version number to a version
  string.  It takes the version number 0x40100003, and converts
  it to:

    0100 00000001 00000000 00 0000000011
    ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
       |        |       |   |          |
       |        |       |   |          +-----> b - build = 3
       |        |       |   +----------------> s - state = ds
       |        |       +--------------------> p - patch = 0
       |        +----------------------------> m - minor = 1
       +-------------------------------------> M - major = 4

   When the individual components are combined together, the
   resulting version string becomes 4.1.0.ds3.

4 Branches

  This project is mastered in three branches: master, 3.X, and 4.X.
  Currently, there are no plans for development on the master and
  3.X branches.  The master branch exists due to the way that git
  works; the 3.X branch exists to hold snapshots of legacy releases;
  and the 4.X branch exists to track future development activities.

  Below is a diagram that illustrates how the code repository may
  take shape over time.  Note that snapshot tags are tightly coupled
  to the project's version numbering scheme (documented above).
  These tags are used to designate official branch points and stable
  locations in the codebase.  The standard snapshot designator is
  'S', but 'R' is used to indicate a release snapshot.

           master             3.X                                                  4.X
             |                 |                                                    |
      +------+-------+  +------+------+                                      +------+------+
      | No Code Here |  | Legacy Code |                                      | Future Code |
      +------+-------+  +------+------+                                      +------+------+
             |                 |                                                    |
             *                 R 3.0.0                                         +----S 4.0.0.ds1
  |                            |                                              /     |
  |                            R 3.1.0                     feature branch -->|   +--S 4.0.0.ds2
  |                            |                                              \ /   |
 \|/   3.2.X branch --> +------R 3.2.0                                         +----S ...
  Y                    /       |                                              /     |
                      +        |                                             |      S 4.0.0.{dsN,rc0}
  T                   |        |                                             |      |
  I                   R 3.2.1  |                                             |      S 4.0.0.rc1
  M                   |        |                           feature branch -->|      |
  E                   *        R 3.3.0                                       |      S 4.0.0.rc2
                               |                                             |      |
  |                            R 3.4.0                                       |      S ...
  |                            |                                             |      |
  |                            R 3.5.0        4.0.X branch --> +-------------+------R 4.0.0.{rcN,sr0,xs0} / 4.1.0.ds0
 \|/                           |                              /              |      |
  Y                            R 3.6.0  alt 4.0.X branch --> /.- - - - - - - + - - -S 4.0.0.{sr1,xs0} / 4.1.0.ds0
                               |                            /    |            \     |
                               R 3.7.0                     /      \            +----S 4.0.0.xs1
                               |                          +        `- alternate     |
                               R 3.8.0                    |                         |
                               |                          S 4.0.1.ds1               |
                               R 3.9.0                    |                         |
                               |                          S 4.0.1.ds2               |
                               R 3.10.0                   |                         |
                               |                          S ...                     |
                               R 3.11.0                   |                         |
                               |                          S 4.0.1.{dsN,rc0}         |
                               R 3.12.0                   |                         |
                               |                          S 4.0.1.rc1               |
                               R 3.13.0                   |                         |
                               |                          S ...                     |
                               *                          |                         |
                                                          R 4.0.1.{rcN,sr0} / ds0   |
                                                          |\                        |
                                                          | \      alt merge -->    |
                                                          |  \`+- - - - - - - - - ->S 4.0.0.xs2
                                                          |   \                     |
                                                          |    \                    S ...
                                                          |     \                   |
                                                          |      \                  S 4.0.0.xsN
                                                          |       \    merge -->    |
                                                          |        `+-------------->S 4.1.0.ds1
                                                          |                         |
                                                          S 4.0.2.ds1               |
                                                          |                         |
                                                          S 4.0.2.ds2               |
                                                          |                         |
                                                          S ...                     |
                                                          |                         |
                                                          S 4.0.2.{dsN,rc0}         |
                                                          |                         |
                                                          S 4.0.2.rc1               |
                                                          |                         |
                                                          S ...                     |
                                                          |                         |
                                                          R 4.0.2.{rcN,sr0} / ds0   |
                                                          |\                        |
                                                          * \                       |
                                                             \                      |
                                                              \                     |
                                                               \                    |
                                                                \                   |
                                                                 \                  |
                                                                  \    merge -->    |
                                                                   `+-------------->S 4.1.0.ds2