Isomorphic React application served from an express backend (SSR), it is deployed on now
at thru travisCi.
Backend is a simple express server, all data is stored in node cache (redis-like).
Frontend is hydrated from the server, uses React as framework, Emotion as Css-in-js library (styled-components fork).
I felt there was no need for state management outside of local, with some basic separation of concerns, the application turns out simpler to read and interact with.
Entire frontend is tested in jest, coverage sits a little bit below 100% as this line is reported not covered but coverage for that can be found here I suspect it's an issue with jest and sourcemaps, the same code on typescript does not present this issue.
Being an isomorphic app, it only requires one command to run, npm run start--dev
is used by now
on deployment).
Application will be available at http://localhost:8888/
This will start both webpack configurations in watch mode and hot module replacement enabled:
- Every change server side will reload the application similarly to nodemon but preserving our node instance, and with it, the cache.
- Every change front-end will reload the components as standard in react-hot-module.
Configuration: Webpack4, Babel7, hot module replacement server & client
Testing, eployment: Jest, Enzyme, Prettier (+ Eslint) on commit hook, TravisCi, Now
Backend: Express, node-cache, React + Emotion (SSR)
Front-end: React, Emotion