
demos for korok engine's beta release

Primary LanguageGo


demos for korok engine's beta release

To install korok engine:

go get korok.io/korok

Clone demo project:

git clone git@github.com:KorokEngine/beta-demo.git

Run demo(eg:text):

$ cd text
$ go run main.go


Show how to use TextComp and Transform


Show how to use SpriteComp and Transform

simple mesh

Show how to use MeshComp and Transform

input control

Show how to use InputSystem

node system

Show how to use TransformComp


Show how to use ScriptComp

particle system

Show how to use ParticleComp

sprite animation

Show how to use sprite animation system

tween animaton

Show how to use tween animation system


Show how to use korok's imgui

art from: learnopengl