
Introducing PowerPulse - your personal fitness companion app designed to help you take control of your body shape and achieve your desired level of activity.

This API provides endpoints for both public and private interactions, allowing users to access various functionalities of the fitness application securely.

So, let's take care of your health together in our app ❤️

🔧 Main features:

  1. Public Endpoints:
  • Authentication and authorization with data validation and security.
  • Statistics endpoint that provides information on:
    • Number of workout videos available in the application.
    • Total calories burned by all registered users.
    • Total number of registered users in the application.
    • Total hours spent by registered users on workouts.
    • Total number of workouts completed by registered users.
  1. Private Endpoints:
  • Logout endpoint.
  • User data update, including the ability to change the avatar.
  • Based on user's personal characteristics such as height, current weight, desired weight, date of birth, blood type, gender, and activity level per day, the daily calorie intake and daily exercise time are calculated.
  • Retrieval of user data information.
  • Retrieval of all available products in the database, with filtering options by categories and/or recommendation of products according to the user's blood type.
  • Retrieval of all available workouts in the database, with filtering options by body parts, muscles, and equipment.
  • Saving consumed products and performed exercises by date.
  • Deleting consumed products and performed exercises by date.
  • Retrieval of information about consumed products and performed exercises by date.

Swagger documentation


👨‍💻 Development team:

Dmytro Korolik Dmytro Korolik - Project Team Lead, FullStack Developer

Ilia Semenova Ilia Semenova - FullStack Developer

Anna Yavorska Anna Yavorska - FullStack Developer

Igor Liakh Igor Liakh - FrontEnd TeamLead, Frontend Developer

Andrii Rod Andrii Rod - FrontEnd TeamLead, Frontend Developer

Anastasiia Zastup Anastasiia Zastup - Scrum Master, Frontend Developer

Viktoriia Yakymovych Viktoriia Yakymovych - Frontend Developer

Sofiia Pashchenko Sofiia Pashchenko - Frontend Developer

Daria Melnykova Daria Melnykova - Frontend Developer

Mariia Novosad Mariia Novosad - Frontend Developer

Hlieb Maraiev Hlieb Maraiev - Frontend Developer

🛠 Tech Stack:

Backend side:

NodeJs Express Postman MongoDB Mongoose Mongoose Paginate Cloudinary bcrypt cors dotenv joi jsonwebtoken render

Frontend side:

Vite React react-router-dom Redux & Redux Toolkit redux-persist JavaScript HTML & CSS axios StyledComponents Ant Design Formik Slick Carousel

🔗 Frontend repository

PowerPulse API

⚙️ Settings

To install project use command:

  npm install

To run development mode use command:

  npm run dev

To run production mode use command:

  npm start