
An example DRF project on how to upload and process excel files using openpyxl

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


An example DRF project on how to upload and process excel files using openpyxl


The requirements.txt/environment.yml lists all Python moduls required. In short:

  • Python 3.10
    • Django==4.0.3
    • djangorestframework==3.13.1
    • openpyxl==3.0.9

Note: Project was created under Windows. Installing from requirements.txt under Linux might fail due to possible differences in module versions/version naming

Install from source

Clone repository or download as zip. Optional: create a virtualenv / conda env to use an isolated Python environment

Install using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install using conda:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate drf_excel_processing


  1. Make sure your environment is activated
  2. Run the Django development server from the "excel_project" folder using:
python .\manage.py runserver
  1. open your browser and navigate to:
  2. Use the provided example_excel_sheet.xlsx for upload and processing
  3. Use "Raw data" to post columns in the Summary view since DRF does not provide a lists component in the HTML form


  • this is just an example project that would need some modifications for production use
  • this project uses the DRF Browsable API accessible via browser at to allow for easier API discoverability
  • authentication and authorization was disabled/skipped for ease of use
  • as stated in https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/howto/static-files/ - the way static files are served in this project is not suitable for production use. Follow https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/howto/static-files/deployment/ in order to serve static files in production.
  • the summary endpoint can be accessed either via the summary URL, or via the "Extra Actions" dropdown in a detail view
  • since it was just required to create a summary of the provided Excel file, this could have been solved by just implementing one endpoint - however the current approach seems "nicer" overall and allows for easier extensibility
  • the current create_summary method assumes that the column names can be found in the first row of the first available sheet


  • Compatible/Parsable Excel file/sheet structure should be better defined:

    • What is a column name e.g. column header (A, B, C, AA, AB etc.) or some cell that contains that name as a value
    • Where is a column located e.g. first row or arbitrary location (add parameter with information about the specific row where the column headers can be found)
    • Are duplicated column names allowed? If so, how should they be handled?
    • Excel files use different sheets (tabs at the bottom of the screen) - add parameter to enable sheet selection (via name or index)
    • It might be sensible to also include information about the numbers type, e.g. currency (if any)
  • Parse Excel file during initial post to extract columns which could be provided as a general model field and a "MultipleChoiceField" in the summary endpoint

  • Better Error handling:

    • ensure loaded file is in fact an Excel file (file extensions do not mean a thing...)
    • return information why data for a specific column was not returned e.g. column not found, TypeError (cannot calculate sum/avg for strings), empty file etc.
  • write tests (especially for openpyxl, since I do not a lot of experience with this specific module)

  • add comments where needed