

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple wrapper around a file-server, with an API to make working with sea-lion easier.


var SeaLion = require('sea-lion'),
    seaLion = new SeaLion(),
    Dion = require('dion'),
    dion = new Dion(seaLion);

    '/robots':  {
        GET: dion.serveFile('./robots.txt', 'text/plain')
    '/images/`imageFile...`': {
        GET: dion.serveDirectory('./images', {
            '.gif': 'image/gif',
            '.png': 'image/png',
            '.jpg': 'image/jpeg'

// Starts serve with routes defined above:

new Dion(seaLion)

The Dion constructor takes 1 arguments seaLion that must be an instance of sea-lion (or at least quack like one...)

dion.serveFile(fileName, mimeType, [maxAge])

The serveFile method takes 3 arguments fileName, mimeType and an optional maxAge.

fileName is the name of the file to serve.

mimeType is a string, defining which mime type should be used.

maxAge will defaults to 0 (rely on ETags)

This will return a function that takes a request and a response and will stream the file to the response, or in the case of an error, call the corresponding error handlers on seaLion.

var serveRobots = dion.serveFile('./robots.txt', 'text/plain');

serveRobots(request, response);

dion.serveDirectory(rootDirectory, mimeTypes, [maxAge])

The serveDirectory method takes 3 arguments rootDirectory, mimeTypes and an optional maxAge.

rootDirectory is the base directory to serve files from. If a file above this directory is asked for it will call the 404 handler on seaLion.

mimeTypes is an object keyed by extension, defining which mime type should be used for the extension. If a file is asked for with an extension that is not defined it will call the 404 handler on seaLion.

maxAge will defaults to 0 (rely on ETags)

This will return a function that takes a request, response and a tokens object. The filename in the last key on the tokens object will be streamed to the response, or in the case of an error, call the corresponding error handlers on seaLion.

var serveImagesDirectory = dion.serveDirectory('./images', {
    '.gif': 'image/gif',
    '.png': 'image/png',
    '.jpg': 'image/jpeg'

serveImagesDirectory(request, response, {
    foo: 'bar',
    fileName: '/kittens.jpg'