
An example of how Promises should have been.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Reliable Promise

An example of how Promises should have been.


var Promise = require('relomise');


Promises should not catch thrown errors, we have very simple ways of dealing with rejections. try-catch is not only unneccissary, but detrimental to flow control.


Have a look at the tests to see how it would work.

That said, the Promise API is kinda average reguardless, and unneccissarily adds complexity over the CPS pattern.

We could have had:

function Promise(function(callback) {
    callback(error, result)

that would have made interop much more simple:

var myFile = await new Promise(callback => fs.readFile('fileName.txt', 'utf8', callback))

Or even neater: (Like how righto is implemented)

// NOT a constructor
promise(function(...args, callback){ }, args...)

that would have made interop seamless:

var myFile = await promise(fs.readFile, 'fileName.txt', 'utf8')

But instead we got this:

var myFile = await new Promise((reject, resolve) => fs.readFile('fileName.txt', 'utf8', function(error, result){
    } else {